Subject: ND Ruler 1.3.5 Author: John Dunning Uploaded By: PDC LarryB Date: 9/10/1994 File: Ruler 1.3.5 Ä.sit (28324 bytes) Estimated Download Time (37942 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 174 Equipment: Newton Needs: Unstuffing utility, means of transfer Keywords: NEWTON JOHN DUNNING RULER VIEW POSITIONING VIEW VIEWFRAME SIZE SCREEN A Programmer's Tool Version 1.3.5 July 29, 1994 c 1994, Digital Objectives All Rights Reserved Ruler is a utility that helps NewtonScript programmers measure the position and size of views and bitmaps on the Newton screen. It takes up about 46K when installed. Here's the overview section from the Readme file. OVERVIEW If you've used the Newton ToolKit for any amount of time, you'll quickly find that the layout display in the current version has a number of bugs. Views which are not justified from their parent's left and top edges will not appear in the correct position when displayed in NTK, although they'll be fine on the Newton. Positioning these views where you want them generally requires that you fiddle with them in NTK, compile the project, download it to the Newton, check the view's position, and so on through the cycle, until you get it right. That process isn't unbearable, but what makes it even harder is that there's been no easy way to determine a view's position on the Newton. If two views don't quite line up, you've got to squint and try to count the pixels to figure out how far they should be moved in NTK. Recently a screen-capture capability has been added to NTK, so you could also capture the Newton screen, paste it into a graphics application like Photoshop and count the pixels there. But that's also cumbersome. Ruler is intended to simply this process. It's a little utility that displays two crosshairs on the Newton screen. Their position, and the distance between them, is displayed on a floating palette. You can position the crosshairs by dragging them with the pen. That's pretty much all it does, but it does it well. This file has been checked with the latest version of McAfee Scan and/or DisInfectant 3.5 and is known to be virus-free at the time of uploading. This file can be found in the PDA Forum's Software Libraries (Keyword PDA).